

A trusted resource for

challenged companies and their

sophisticated stakeholders

What We Do

We specialize in transitions caused by financial stress, legal disputes, and operational uncertainties. We take very active roles in optimizing an enterprise’s asset & liability portfolios, in negotiating disputes, in managing complex litigation, in maximizing recoveries and in reducing risks.

Torque Point’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Richard Katz, brings into each engagement over 30 years of experience as a Goldman Sachs banker and special-situations investor, as a senior executive of a complex organization, and as a senior restructuring professional.

Since Torque Point’s founding in 2011, our roles have included senior executive positions, active board directorships, and other stakeholder-driven governance positions at many of the world’s largest, most complex restructurings, including:

  • Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

  • MF Global Holdings Ltd.

  • LBI ehf (formerly Landsbanki Islands hf, an insolvent Icelandic bank)

  • SunEdison Inc.

  • Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico